The SURAGUS EddyCus® lab 2020 is a sophisticated bench top scanner to address the needs of material analysts regarding quantifying the areal weight and degree of isotropy for each location. They are designed to measure plates or textiles and receive bulk information (from cross section) on the local carbon fiber areal weight and prevalent orientation. They provide different spaces for samples up to 200 x 200 mm² to be tested non-destructively.


  • Ideal for eval­u­ation dif­fer­ent ma­ter­i­al com­bin­a­tions be­fore a mech­an­ic­al de­struct­ive test
  • Com­pact format to meas­ure parts up to 200 x 200mm
  • Meas­ures rel­ev­ant loc­al fiber areal weight and iso­tropy


  • Four sensors ac­cur­ately meas­ure pre­val­ent ori­ent­a­tion
  • Fiber areal weight will be de­term­ined via ini­tial cal­ib­ra­tion
  • Meas­ures flat pan­els or plates of up to 200 x 200 m­m² (Lx­W)


  • Qual­ity con­trol of re­cycled car­bon fibers
  • Char­ac­ter­isa­tion of chopped and short car­bon fiber
  • Shows ma­ter­i­al flow of car­bon particles or fibers after mould­ing or in­jec­tion
  • Data in­put for ma­ter­i­al sim­u­la­tion of dis­con­tinu­ous car­bon fibers


Further Products for Carbon Fiber Monitoring


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