Product Overview of our Eddy Current Testings Devices

Applicable to measure the sheet resistance, metal layer thickness, resistivity and other electrical properties of a conductive layer or substrate.

Our products are capable of measuring at a single point, creating a map of the entire surface, or measuring inline during production process.

Portable sheet resistance measurement device on glass EddyCus TF portable 1010SR

Handheld Contact Tester – EddyCus® portable

The EddyCus® portable is a handy and portable measuring instrument for fast contact measurement of large glasses and foils in production or in the field, e.g. for fast quality checks after production or as incoming goods inspection. The handheld device also allows the measurement of concealed and encapsulated layers. It is an easy to use device, which is controlled by a touch display.




Single Point Tester – EddyCus® lab 2020 – for Samples up to 200 x 200 mm

The EddyCus® lab 2020 enables manual single point measurements of conductive thin films and film thickness measurements of thin metal films in non-contact mode. The compact benchtop instrument is ideal for fast and accurate measurements of samples up to 200 x 200 mm² (8 x 8 inches). In addition to the measurement of thin conductive layers, doped wafers and conductive polymers can also be analyzed.



Non-contact resistivity and conductivity measurement device EddyCus TF lab 2020RM

Single Point Tester – EddyCus® lab 2020RM – for Bulk Samples up to 200 x 200 mm

The EddyCus® lab 2020RM is a unique industrial eddy current measurement device utilizing frequencies from 10 kHz up to 100 MHz dedicated to the characterization of flat specimen. The variation of the measurement frequency allows the control of the penetration depth. The measurement with high frequencies benefits the characterization of near surface material characteristics of bulk materials and thin films. Additionally, the sensitivity increases with increasing measurement frequency. Therefore also very low conductive materials and layers can be characterized. Furthermore, the device supports the generation of depth profiles by utilization of multi frequency measurements. Measurement parameters are conductivity and related characteristics.



Mapping device for quality inspection of wafers, boules, ingots - EddyCus map 2530RM.png

Imaging Device – EddyCus® map 2530 RMB – for Boules or Ingots up to Ø 200 mm (8 Inch)

The EddyCus® map 2530 RMB is designed for non-contact resistivity measurement of bulk and ingots with a height up to 100 mm. Upon manual sample positioning the device automatically measures the sample from the bottom. The software offers predefined recipes with a focus on high resolution, high speed or a compromise between high resolution and high speed.  



Non-contact sheet resistance mapping device SURAGUS EddyCus map 2530SR for wafer, foils, transparent conductive materials and others

Imaging Device – EddyCus® map 2530 TM – for Samples up to 300 x 300 mm

The Eddy­Cus® map 2530 TM Series auto­mat­ic­ally meas­ures the sheet res­ist­ance of large samples up to 300 x 300 mm² (12 x 12 inches) in non-con­tact mode. Upon manu­al sample po­s­i­tion­ing the device auto­mat­ic­ally meas­ures and dis­plays an ac­cur­ate map­ping of the sheet res­ist­ance across the en­tire sample area. The meas­ure­ment set­tings al­low eas­ily and flex­ibly to choose between fast meas­ure­ment times of be­low 1 minute or high spa­tial meas­ure­ment res­ol­u­tion of more than 100,000 meas­ure­ment points.



Fully automated wafer mapping system front view.png

Full-auto Imaging Device – EddyCus® ResMapper – for 150 mm and 200 mm Wafers

The EddyCus® ResMapper is a fully automated wafer mapping system with automated contactless wafer handling. The device combines a high throughput of 45 wafers per hour with a bunch of high resolution and high quality measurements. The device records maps of sheet resistance, metal layer thickness, and resistivity using eddy current sensors. Further measurement options are the total thickness variation (TTV), bow and warpage using opical sensor.



Inline sheetresistance monitoring sensors.png

Inline Monitoring System – EddyCus® inline

The EddyCus® inline series measures layer properties such as metal layer thickness or sheet resistance in non-contact on various substrates.  Typical substrates are glass, foil, paper, wafer, plastic or ceramic. Measurements are obtained by permanent measurements or by trigger events to obtain equidistant results in fast moving coating processes or measure on specific positions on small specimen. Monitoring is possible in atmosphere and in vacuum. The measurements are obtained using high samples rate and can be directly provided for process control systems and customer software. Additionally SURAGUS offers the monitoring software EddyCus TF control that visualizes, stores and analyses metrology data.




Full Area Monitoring System – EddyCus® inline Sensorline

Eddy Current full-area monitoring is achieved by by use of EddyCus TF array solution. SURAGUS provide stackable 8 Sensor Modules which allow depending on its configuration the inline monitoring on upto 128 measurement lanes

EddyCus full-area inline solutions help to monitor the entire width of small and large area coatings. This enables to track the complete product and process quality optimally. Since you can only improve things that you can measure, our solution enables you to optimize your product and process quality. This gives you a big advantage over your competitors. With our software it is easy to analyze your data perfectly. It is really simple to monitor the process and product data and let you improve your output while monitoring your product quality and process data.



EddyCus CF inline WT.jpg

Inline Wire Testing System – EddyCus® inline WT

The EddyCus® inline WT series are designed for the non-contact continuous inline testing of any conductive wire sharped materials. This solution enables process control, increase of yield, and incoming and outgoing goods inspection.



Sheet res­ist­ance (SR)Met­al thick­ness (MT)Con­duct­iv­ity / struc­ture / de­fects (CT)Op­tic­al trans­par­ency/ dens­ity (OT)Elec­tric­al (an)iso­tropy (AI)
Hand­held EddyCus® portable 1010SR EddyCus® portable 1010MT EddyCus® portable 1010RM
Single point EddyCus® lab 2020SR EddyCus® lab 4040SR EddyCus® lab 2020MT EddyCus® lab 4040MT EddyCus® lab 2020RM EddyCus® lab 2020HF EddyCus® lab 4040RM EddyCus® lab 4040HF EddyCus® lab 4040A EddyCus® lab 2020A
Ima­ging EddyCus® map 2530SR Eddy­Cus® map 2530SR EddyCus® map 2530MT EddyCus® map 2530MT EddyCus® map 2530RM EddyCus® map 2530RM EddyCus® map 2530HF EddyCus® inline HF EddyCus® map 2530A EddyCus® map 2530A
In­line EddyCus® inline Sensorline EddyCus® inline SR EddyCus® inline SR EddyCus® inline MT EddyCus® inline RM EddyCus® inline A


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